Naši lektori a ich príbehy...


Ayoub - French, Italian and English

My name is Ayoub Tomi and I'm a language lecturer who teaches more than 900 lessons every year. I am a professional and I have experience with teaching all levels regardless of age (my youngest student - 4 years, the oldest student - 80 years). I myself speak 6 languages fluently and have spent some time in Italy, France and United Kingdom. If you want to learn English, Italian or French, get prepared for IELTS exams or just seek someone to practice conversations with, don't hesitate to reach out to me. We can do it together!

Nikol - Nemecký jazyk

Volám sa Nikola a som aktívnou učiteľkou nemeckého jazyka a dejepisu už niekoľko rokov. V tomto cudzom jazyku aktivne komunikujem od svojich 14-tich rokov. Pri učení sa zameriavam na kombináciu gramatiky s konverzáciu- používanie jazyka v praxi,aby študenti neovladali gramatiku len na „papieri „, ale aby ju vedeli použiť aj pri konverzácii.

Viktória - Anglický jazyk

Volám sa Viki a som študentkou bilingualneho gymnázia v Bratislave. Budúci rok maturujem z angličtiny na úrovni C1. Angličtine sa venujem už od škôlky, preto mi je veľmi blízka, takmer ako moj rodný jazyk. Rada sa aj s vami alebo vašimi detmi podelím o moje skúsenosti a vedomosti, ktoré som nadobudla počas týchto rokov. Teším sa na vás.

Veronika - German and Slovak

My name is Veronika Gereková. I completed my master studies in 2011 at Faculty of Philosophy, Comenius University in Bratislava in the fields of teaching German and Slovak language. Since then I have been actively involved in teaching. I currently work at a high school in Bratislava.

Within the field of Slovak language, I can provide courses aimed to prepare for Testing 5, Testing 9, entrance exams as well as graduation exams. I primarily focus on understanding theory through practical tasks. On my lessons I use not only worksheets but also IKT.  

Should you choose German lessons, I try to combine grammar with conversation so that you will understand structure of the language itself but most importantly lose fear of speaking in it out loud.

Paolo - Taliansky jazyk

Buongiorno, my name is Paolo and for 5 years I have been studying medicine in Bratislava, I’m coming from Massafra, a small city located in the south of Italy. Do you want to learn Italian or just understanding better this amazing culture? You are in the right place, we will perform together all the communication skills as well as the grammar. I have teaching experience with children, teenagers as well as adults.
Non vedo l’ora di vederti!

Paula - Spanish

Are you ready to learn Spanish with me? My name is Paula and I want to help you achieve your goals. My classes will be tailored to your personal needs and goals. We can adapt our lessons to your own pace. Learning a new language can be a challenge for many people so I will help you throughout the process, whatever you main goal is. I teach children and adults, from zero to advanced level.

Lea - German

Is your trip to Germany or Austria coming up or do you just want to understand German? I'm a student from Bavaria, south of Germany, and will help you start a casual/business conversation to perfect your language skills! For 4 years I've been helping beginner and advanced learners all over the world - online or in person, and I am looking forward to meeting you!

Sarah - French

„Bonjour, my name is Sarah, i just moved to bratislava from France. I have a bachelor’s degree in philosophy and I have always been interested in learning and teaching languages. Indeed for me it’s the best way to open up to the world and to be familiar with other cultures. In addition to my studies I invested myself in charity work with an organism helping migrants. I was a french tutor and I helped people from diffrent ages to learn how to speak, write and read french from 0. I have experience with adults teenagers and kids, so I can easily adapt myself and my courses to the level of the student and to his needs. With work and motivation nothing is impossible!“

Lorendana - Spanish

¡Hola! I would love to help you learn to speak Spanish and share my culture with you! My name is Loredana Rodríguez, I am from Mexico and I have been living in Slovakia for five years. Speaking Spanish also means knowing the culture and tradition, so in my lessons you will learn to have conversations, talk about celebrations of Spanish-speaking countries, Mexican food and more. If you are a beginner or advanced level, I am sure you will enjoy every lesson. I love teaching children and teenagers, adults and seniors are welcome as well. I can teach Spanish using English and Slovak language. ¡Hasta luego!

Bernadette - Dutch

Pleased to meet you! I am Bernadette, born in the Netherlands so Dutch is my mother tongue. I have lives in many countries and I do know how important but also how challenging it can be to learn the local language. Now I work in tourism and the fact that I speak several languages gives me a big advantage. I would be happy to see with you what your needs are and how we can achieve your goals in the fastest and the most pleasant way.

Nena - English

Hello there! I’m Nena.

And where do I begin?  I was born… No! I am… so many things in life! And among other things I am a TEACHER. I primarily teach ENGLISH, but as my other mother tongue is SERBIAN, I teach that as well. But as I wrote, I am a teacher. And I have been one for so long, that now I don’t know if I would be able to describe myself in any other way. Not just of languages. I like to incorporate history, music, popular culture, literature, and so many other things into my lessons. I can’t teach life (although sometimes that would be great), but I can help you learn how to speak about it. Don’t worry, I teach beginners and proficient students alike. Young and old. And I don’t like to be bored, so I do my best to always liven up the class I teach. As to what I can teach you, well, that depends on your wishes and desires. What do you want to learn? Whether you want to get ready for an exam, start from the beginning, improve your grammar, and build your vocabulary, or just maintain your level – here I am. Through my almost 19 years of experience, I’ve built up a lot of areas of English I teach as well. So, sky is the limit.

Kristína - Anglický jazyk

Volám sa Kristína a venujem sa angličtine od svojich 5-tich rokov. Dlhé roky som žila v zahraničí, kde som študovala a pracovala (USA, Malta). 1-ročný výmenný pobyt v USA, v štáte Washington, mi počas strednej školy otvoril mnohé dvere a preto som sa rozhodla pre štúdium na Vysokej škole v USA – Western Washington University. Úspešne som získala titul Bachelor of Science in Business Administration.
Sama som
navštevovala viaceré jazykové kurzy angličtiny a získala mnohé certifikáty, ako napríklad:

  • SAT

  • EF


V angličtine som dosiahla najvyššiu možnú úroveň, ktorú cudzinec môže dosiahnuť. Avšak, pri jazykoch.. sa vzdelávanie nikdy nekončí :)
Robí ma šťastnou
posúvať moje jazykové skúsenosti študentom ďalej. Mám prax v učení ako detí, tak aj dospelých. Teším sa na našu spoluprácu. 

Vanesa - Nemecký jazyk

Volám sa Vanessa a mám 20 rokov. Minulý rok som skončila štúdium gymnázia nemeckého bilingválu a momentálne vyučujem na jednej zo zakladných škôl v Bratislave. Nemecký jazyk mi prirástol k srdcu počas strednej školy až tak, že som mala tú možnosť stráviť jeden rok na strednej škole v Berlíne, na ktorý do dnešného dňa s radosťou spomínam. Veľmi rada odovzdávam svoje jazykové vedomosti či už deťom alebo dospelým, ktorým sa hravo snažím ukázať svetlú stránku nemeckého jazyka. Tak poďte aj Vy so mnou objaviť krásy tohto jazyka, ktorému sa dodnes ešte veľa ľudí stráni! Na svojich hodinách kombinujem gramatiku s konverzáciou a vždy sa rada prispôsobím Vašim prípadným požiadavkám. Ak sa rozhodnete pre hodiny so mnou, už teraz sa na Vás všetkých veľmi teším a verím, že Vám prirastie nemčina k srdcu minimálne tak ako mne ! :))

Oľga - Anglický, Nemecký, Ruský jazyk

Nice to meet you! I’m Oľga offering lessons of English, German, Russian and Romanian. I get to ask some questions. Is it challenging to to master a foreign language? Do you want to feel more motivated and prepared for classes and exams? Or maybe you are a beginner, who’ve just started learning a new language? Or maybe you are a parent who needs pre-school education and development of the child? Glad to help you! Friendly student, available for weekend, evening and holidays. Study quick, exciting and efficient with me! See you!

Valeria - Slovenský jazyk pre cudzincov

Ahoj. Volám sa Valeria a pochádzam z Bieloruska. Viem, aké to je opustiť svoju rodnú krajinu a stretnúť sa s úsvitom v inej. Najväčším problémom je jazyková bariéra. Pomôžem ti zbaviť sa toho. Spoločne prejdeme od „volám sa…“ k akýmkoľvek ďalším životným situáciám, ktoré ťa čakajú v novej krajine.
Привет. Меня зовут Валерия и я из Беларуси. Я знаю каково это уезжать из родной страны и встречать рассвет в другой. Самая главная проблема -языковой барьер. Я помогу тебе избавиться от него. Мы вместе пройдём путь от „меня зовут…“ до  любых других жизненных ситуаций, которые тебя ждут в новой стране.

Akel- Anglický jazyk

Ready to learn English?
My name is Akel Bango.
Žijem na Slovensku štyri roky.
I’m 31 years old with a childlike energy.
Born in Trinidad and Tobago
but raised in the UK, London.
I love teaching children and teenagers, adults and seniors are welcome too.
I’m flexible to online classes or in person sessions. I can teach English using Slovak language if needed.
My youngest student is 4 years old. I Look forward to having chat with you.

Nila - Nemecký jazyk

My name is Nila and I moved from Germany to Bratislava. I love to interact with people especially teaching them a language. I can speak fluently English, German and Turkish and this is what I‘d love to teach you. I know how hard it can be to learn a new language, as I’m learning the Slovak language right now but we can easily get through this together.

Ekaterina - Russian

Moje meno je Ekaterina Malaсhova. Pochádzam z Ruska, dlho som žila som v Moskve, takže hovorím ruštinou bez akcentu. Na Slovensku bývam viac ako 6 rokov, preto s komunikáciou nebudú žiadne problémy 🙂 Som vysokoškolsky vzdelaná.
 Rada Vás naučím rusky, hodiny so mnou prebiehajú v príjemnej atmosfére a s priateľským prístupom, nudiť sa rozhodne nebudete!  Výučbu zostavujem podľa individuálneho programu a ku študentom vždy  prístupujem  podľa ich potrieb. Teším sa na stretnutie s Vami! 🙂

Ross - Anglický a Španielsky jazyk

Ross is multilingual native English teacher originally from Massachusetts. After completing his studies he lived and worked in Hungary for over a decade where he leaned Hungarian and taught English and Spanish.

Dienes - Nemecký jazyk
Juraj - Anglický a slovenský jazyk pre cudzincov

Watch our short video!

"Učeniu anglického jazyka sa venujem už viac ako 7 rokov. Kedže som mala mnoho pozitívnych aj negatívnych skúsentí s jazykovými školami v Bratislave, tak som sa rozhodla založiť si vlastnú a pokúsiť sa veci robiť lepšie. Snažím sa, aby sa nie len študenti, ale taktiež aj lektori cítili na hodinách príjemne a preto sme zostavili taký užasný tím mladých lektorov, ktorí sú Vám dispozícii s akýmkoľvek problémom!"
Henrieta Harcsová
CEO ELIMO s.r.o.

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